This one was fun though, basically a retelling of the Wizard of Oz, but with an orange plastic road rather than a yellow brick one. No flying monkeys, but hot-pantsed Snap-On Tools calendar girls instead. This is another one that didn't make it out of development (like much of what I work on.) The greenlight review happened the weekend that Stealth opened, so I don't think there's much doubt why Sony gave it the axe.
Anyway, much fun to be had with McG and his crew. He has a well-earned reputation as the industry's biggest cheerleader. Everything is positive with him, even the stuff he doesn't like is Awesome! Makes for a good time. I'm rooting for Terminator Salvation. After We are Marshall, I think he's redeemed himself from Charlies Angels 2. Maybe.
So here's the ultimate road movie...

I really loved this idea, the Snake Pit, our villain's lair. Looks like a strip mine as you approach, but as you get closer you realize that it's a junkyard hundreds of feet deep with nothing but the most desireable classic, exotic custom and rare cars. Look for some surprises among the Snake's "collection."

I did promise you calendar girls, didn't I?

The Emerald, er, Motor City, the end of the Orange Plastic Road. Some earlier versions of this by James Clyne and Mark Goerner were really cool, featuring transforming, automotive-formed architecture, but McG wanted a more grounded, 20th century americana take on the world, just as if someone went crazy with cloverleaf offramps.

One of my favorite shots, a bonding moment between son and dad. I think this image really captures what McG was trying to make out of this movie. Could have been fun.

More later, with storyboards...